Labels:encyclical | window OCR: DEI END ING GOTO MATIN T.I. CHESS TUTOR There are Four HaNS E dea an attack o one of you HAVE pieces. 1Move the piece AGO! eFend the piece, 3B1ock the attach OP 4Capture the piece- In Ehe Eop diagran, Ehe white Oreen is attacking the baiah Rook Black CO11S MOVe the Rook auay, MOVe the baiah Bishop FT the Rooky MOVe tthe Pawn d3, blocking Fhe pue 15 Fhe or he could choose the best BT F option, Fhe Qveen with the Knight Defending very siwillar Wou can 1 ove the Hing B1ock 3 capture the attacking piece You cannol castle oub OF In the diagran the left Rowing Fie King would Ueax Ehat white couldnE castle. IF chit blocked with the Qreen black would simply capture it with Ehe Bishop, would he poob For The hest Nove Hould he Eo MOVe the Fo c3 F H EhereFore blockinr and tthe Bishop COTO KAIN Folr t ...